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Be Kind Mission Day Seven

March 2, 2011

My schedule for the day was to be on hot reserve-ready at the aiport-from 5:00 am to 3:00 pm. Ten hours of not getting paid until they call me to fly.

So, I sat in Charlotte at the airport, and waited. I prayed, I hoped. I called scheduling. I did all I could, and never got a call.

When I called them to check out for the day-it was definitely hard to be kind. However, I was kind to them, but needless to say I took it out on my husband when I called him-for no good reason..:)

I then had to pay for a hotel room for the night.

So, we'll see what happenes tomorrow. Another day of hot reserve. Can I be kind when I don't get my own way?

The be kind mission travels on!

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
Mother Teresa

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